It Takes Shape
It Takes Shape
The last month has been filled with sun-light and good vibes thanks to the beginning of Spring, I took advantage of the situation and the fact that we can freely circulate in La Rioja to discover beautiful landscapes and cute villages in our surroundings.
At Dinámica we are still working with the different classes on the representations that are getting closer and closer, that with the help of Patricia, Stefy, Marina and Kike : these last 3 are new students that we welcomed on March 22nd (from a sociocultural and touristic animation degree) coming here at Dinamica Teatral for their internships. We had received Patricia who studies design at an art school a while before. They are already helping in different activities such as the props for the plays, the preparation of events, the audiovisual, and they also help in some classes!
Each group is perfecting costumes, scenography, as well as adding music and sounds with Myrto's help. I have also had the occasion to lead a juvenil class on my own last Friday ! It was a great experience. As for working at the office, Silvia, Yanis and I are working on our projects (mine : Sex Educ'Accion, and Yanis's : Them) and filling our accreditation Erasmus+ 2021-2027.
This week is Semana Santa, the Easter holidays, in Spain which means the classes are suspended but some workshops have been organised like a lipdub, a flashmob, and more... Moreover, and as a last piece of news, last week we had the occasion to come perform Impro'show in Sala Negra!
¡Nos vemos en la proxima!
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